While searching the web for blogs related to Blogival's topic, I found a website that's a perfect resource for people interested in finding Caribbean events in the Baltimore, Towson area. I checked out the site and it is a credible source with many party listings. For example there is a picture on the homepage of DJ Sir Bingz, who is one of the top DJs in the area.TheYahsomideh also has other features like a photo gallery from past events, a forum and links to other related sites.
The name of the website clearly pays homage to Jamaican patoi(broken English). Yah so mi deh is roughly translated to "This is where I am,". This gives the site instant approval from Caribbean people because our accents are one of our most unique characteristics.
Definitely check out this website you will find something to attend, hear fresh music from the Caribbean and learn about people in the Baltimore Caribbean event scene.
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