I am happy and excited to announce that my entertainment company Wild Out Entertainment is back in business and will be hosting Caribbean events in the Towson area. The first event will be Dance Hall Fridays which will be going down each and every week at Portofino's Lounge.
I took a break from planning and promoting parties for two reasons: I wanted to concentrate on school for my last semester and there was a lack of venues in this area that would have 18 and older events.
I decided to get back into the Caribbean party promoting scene for three reasons: I am writing a blog about Caribbean events so why not throw them myself, my friends and I found a location willing to have 18 and older events and I need money,being broke is not fun.
I founded Wild Out Entertainment with my friend and roommate Mathais Okpo in January 2008. The mission of Wild Out Ent. is to bring authentically themed Caribbean events to Towson University and surrounding colleges. We felt there was void of dance hall parties for college students and the ones that were going on where usually more than 30 mins. away from school. Wild Out Ent. also aims to portray Caribbean culture in the most positive manner as possible.

So come and Wild Out with me and my friends each and every Friday @ Portofino's Lounge.
Jimi Payne(pink hat) and Mathais Okpo of Wild Out Ent.
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