Carnivals have been part of Caribbean culture since the times of slavery. For the slaves it was a chance to get away from the hard labor and a chance to wear something different than their ragged work clothes. West Indian people now celebrate carnivals in our respective islands to pay homage to our slave ancestors and also because is just really really fun.
Costumes are the most important thing for any carnival, they set the mode and the atmosphere. In my profile picture I am in costume for Carnival in Barbados.
I.C.E Carnival is one of the premiere costume making companies in the country. Founder Brian K. Jordan and his wife, who are originally from Trinidad and Tobago started the company because they felt the could fill a void. It should be noted that there is a Carnival that is held every summer in Washington D.C.
Q: Why and When did you start Ice Carnival?
A: "I.C.E. Carnival was an off-shoot of I.C.E. Entertainment, my promotional company. It was started in 2004 when many of my event patrons and my wife suggested that there was a void when it came to quality costumes in the DC Carnival parade. My wife asked if I would be interested in working with her to produce a section with another band, and the rest shall we say is history."
Q: What is the Caribbean nightlife like in the Towson, Baltimore area?
A: "Caribbean nightlife is fairly subdue in the Baltimore-Towson area. It's not as active as the DC area, That's for sure. Partly due to a lack of venues, and partly due to few promoters willing to take a chance on investing on events, due to the smaller Caribbean student population."
Q: Do you think there is a void in Caribbean events in the Towson, Baltimore area?
A: "There is a void and we'd love to work with the various student promotional groups to fill that void. Our Caribbean culture is too rich not to have it properly represented in the area."
Q: Do you know of Blogs about Caribbean events?
A: "Our friends Arious Entertainment are the only local blog that has been consistent and around for the last many years. Their blog is not only about Caribbean events but about other socio-political issues affecting the Caribbean-American population."
This is great company owned by honest hard working people. here is their website if you would like to look at designs of their costumes.
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