Meeting people that interest you or inspire you are some of the many reasons people decide to become journalist. As a journalist you have the opportunity to get a glimpse into people's lives through interviews. This interview is one I will never forget because I got to talk to Duane Powell of Stone Love. Powell is the son of founder, Winston "Wee Pow" Powell, and has been playing for eight years.
Stone Love Music is the number one sound system group in Jamaica. Stone Love was founded in 1972 and has become the perennial force in the industry. I remember growing up in Jamaica and hearing my older cousins and friends talking about Stone Love DJs and parties. How the parties are always corked(full), how loud the speakers were and how they danced with all these pretty girls to the hottest songs at that time.
This interview was not planned. After I finished my interview with DJ Sir Bingz he pointed to a guy sitting down and said he plays for Stone Love. I replied with asking, "Stone Love from Jamaica, Stone Love,? I introduced myself and jotted down a quick list questions to ask Duane.
Q:What brings you to Baltimore?
A:"I'm playing at a party tonight. Ricky's Valentines day bash."
Q: Is this the first time you have played in Baltimore?
A: "first time for me, but other guys from the group have played in Baltimore and in other places in the U.S."
Q:Who are the DJs that make up Stone Love.?
A: "Wee Pow, Rory, Billy Slaughter, G-Fuss, Bill Cosby, Diamond, Ice Berg, Duane Powell, Fire Ras and Black Fox."
Q: What makes Caribbean parties one of a kind?
A: "Well in the islands they you can party until the morning, and most of the times they are outside. But in general, all the different dances you see the dancers come up with. The dances catch on and then everyone is doing it along with the dancers."
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