As I stated in the previous post the party Island Fever was a great success. It was one of the best parties I have ever been involved with socially and financially.
I wanted to interview someone who attended the party to get their perspective of the event so I could have evidence from another source backing up my praises of Island Fever. I also wanted a non-Caribbean person's opinion of the party in an attempt to see how my culture affects people and if Caribbean culture can be appreciated by them.
Megan Bidgood,19, is a sophomore at Towson University. She is from New Jersey but unlike the majority of her Jersey counterparts Megan socializes with mostly non-New Jersey people. I admire her openness to diversity and have personally seen her at a wide variety of parties at Towson. Here is Megan's take on Island Fever.
Q: Will you attend another party hosted by the Caribbean student association of Towson? If yes, why?
A: Yes! I had a lot of fun. I thought everyone was really nice and it was very official with the people pouring the drinks.
Q: What was your favorite part of that night?
A: My favorite part was the atmosphere and the island fever drink...very yum.
Q: Do you think your friends enjoyed themselves?
A: Yes I know they did, we can't wait until the next one!
Q: Did u like the music that was played at the party?
A: Yea, I'm a big fan of all music so any type is good with me.
Q:Has this event opened your eyes to attending more Caribbean themed parties?
A: Definately, Next time I hear of a caribbean party I will be totally down for going.
hahhaa i love it! i'm soo young in this picture though.. lol - Megan